Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sunshine Coast, Day Two

Next morning

After breakfast (oatmeal & tea)

I went off to explore some trails

Old logging tracks

Stayed in the in the woods till noon

Then headed down to the coast

What a day

Great roads

Ended up in Garden bay

Got hungry... again

Found some shade for the

"Good boy"

to have a rest in

Did a left turn

And, found myself on a patio overlooking the bay


"sucks to be me"

This was growing through it

After lunch

back on the road

So much to see

The Arbutus Tree

Grows only within a small corridor on the B.C. coast

It sheds it's bark in summer

The new bark underneath turns red in winter

These were growing every where


Then north to Earls Cove

This is where you catch the ferry for upper the Sunshine Coast

Saw this sign

No lawn... just this

Living here you may come up with alternate meanings for words like


And just over the fence

I was tempted to gear up and go for a scub

The pace here was too


So, I went off in search of new places

There were a few of these giants standing alone

All that is left of a once great forest

Then came across this!!

What the hell!

That is a size 10.5 boot!

Maybe he lives here?

Quite modern

What does he drive?

Well wonder no more

A Ford LTD


Back at the lake

a short nap

better hurry

Just in time for the...

Dragon Fly races

Still lots of light

You know what I did

This is how you spell

I followed it to the top of a ridge

This route down is way beyond my riding abilities


Shadows getting longer

Just time for a swim

And a fire

The night sky

Another swim

Then bed