The day started off with a nice rain storm
but, I was filling my bike at the time
so I just stayed under the canopy till it stopped' then
headed out on the 160 to Cortez
The entire way these storm clouds
were waiting to dump their bountiful goodness
upon me
From Cortez I went northwest to Moab
Nice temp for riding
As I got closer to Moab
the landscape changed drastically
This arch was right along the road to Moab
As I was taking photos
A man and his wife drove up
pulled at teddy bear from the car
then put in poses for photos with the arch
I tried to get away
but,they were to quick
they had me hold the bear
"Would you like us to take a photo, with your camera, of you holding the bear?"
My reply
" The arch will fine"
I took a short break at a rest stop
to enjoy the fall colors
Just entering Moab
These cliffs adorn the east side on the valley
The other side just seems to sweep away
I hunted around to find suitable lodgings
I want to do some riding
with my kit safely locked away
I found this place
It is where "The Duke" stayed in the early 60's
while filming movie masterpieces
such as
I was glad that I did get a room
The storm that had been following me
found me
It rained so hard that I was not able to see across the street
Next day clear blue sky
A few shots of espresso
The entrance is just 2 miles from Moab
From here the road climbs
about 500 ft
Looking back at the gates
These cones make me unhappy
I knew the cones were there for a reason
They were re-topping the road :(
The landscape is so vast I was not able the get the
scope of it with my camera
I will not cloud the photos with words
I parked my bike here and walked up to a view point
I tried different setting on my camera
to get the color of the rock
The La Sal mountains
Yes to get back out
I had to do this again
Back to the "Apache"
After a short rest
Time for dinner
and beer
but, I was filling my bike at the time
so I just stayed under the canopy till it stopped' then
headed out on the 160 to Cortez
The entire way these storm clouds
were waiting to dump their bountiful goodness
upon me
From Cortez I went northwest to Moab
Nice temp for riding
As I got closer to Moab
the landscape changed drastically
This arch was right along the road to Moab
As I was taking photos
A man and his wife drove up
pulled at teddy bear from the car
then put in poses for photos with the arch
I tried to get away
but,they were to quick
they had me hold the bear
"Would you like us to take a photo, with your camera, of you holding the bear?"
My reply
" The arch will fine"
I took a short break at a rest stop
to enjoy the fall colors
Just entering Moab
These cliffs adorn the east side on the valley
The other side just seems to sweep away
I hunted around to find suitable lodgings
I want to do some riding
with my kit safely locked away
I found this place
It is where "The Duke" stayed in the early 60's
while filming movie masterpieces
such as
I was glad that I did get a room
The storm that had been following me
found me
It rained so hard that I was not able to see across the street
Next day clear blue sky
A few shots of espresso
The entrance is just 2 miles from Moab
From here the road climbs
about 500 ft
Looking back at the gates
These cones make me unhappy
I knew the cones were there for a reason
They were re-topping the road :(
The landscape is so vast I was not able the get the
scope of it with my camera
I will not cloud the photos with words
I parked my bike here and walked up to a view point
I tried different setting on my camera
to get the color of the rock
The La Sal mountains
Yes to get back out
I had to do this again
Back to the "Apache"
After a short rest
Time for dinner
and beer